"Can Physical Therapy be of help in case of constipation"?
"Do I really need to know about Constipation?"
"Arthralgia" or 'pain in joint' might not be uncommon to you, but we can help you with our approach.
Complete Decongestive Therapy (CDT)
"Chronic Venous Insufficiency" We can take care of your problems at ease. Always happy to serve you!
Precautions and exercises for Sacroiliitis.
"Sacroiliitis" Are you looking for a proper diagnosis of the pain in your back and leg? We can help.
"Restless Leg Syndrome". Have you been troubled not knowing where to seek help from? We can help!!!.
"Footwear and Foot pain". Have you ever doubted your footwear to be the cause of your foot pain?
A quick look at "Midfoot pain". If you are suffering from pain in midfoot area, let us help you.
"Mallet Finger". If you are a lover of ball games, this is not a new term to you. Need help?
"Torticollis." Are you feeling like a folly with no life's jolly? You are not to loose hope.
Biofeedback in Physical Therapy
"Kabat Technique" Yes! we are good at it and willing to help you if you are looking for neuro rehab.
Physical therapy in Menstrual health? Seriously? Yes, you heard it right.
"Sinus Tarsi Syndrome". Worried of the pain in the front and outer side of the ankle since injury?
Tensed about TFL??? Are you wondering about what is causing you your pain
Movement system impairment. Heard of this? Your Physical therapist is the right person who can help.
Are you aware of the fact that Pilates incorporated with Physical therapy has been a success story?