As discussed previously in our earlier post, Swayback posture is characterized by hips that are pushed forward, exaggerated curves in the spine, and the appearance of leaning back when you’re standing.
The misalignment of your spine and pelvis from swayback posture can put you at an increased risk of developing back and hip injuries. It can also contribute to musculoskeletal injuries in other parts of your body that are forced into a compromised position, such as your neck and shoulders.
Swayback posture is often caused by muscle weakness and tightness.
Poor posture can also put pressure on your internal organs. This may lead to problems such as: constipation, heartburn, incontinence, etc.
Some of the causes that can lead to Swayback posture are:
Tight hamstrings and back muscles
Weak abdominal muscles, and laxity in certain ligaments in the back and pelvis.
Sleeping on your stomach can encourage the development of a Sway Back Posture.
Other factors include hip problems, discitis, spinal abnormalities, spondylolisthesis, traumatic injury and obesity.
As mentioned in our previous blog, your physical therapist can assess your posture and tell you specifically which muscles need stretching and strengthening. This plays a major role in treating your difficulty. They will provide you with an individualized plan to help you strengthen and stretch key muscles and maintain good postural habits.
Exercises that can help
Please note that we do not recommend you to try or perform these exercises without guidance from an expert as exercises if done incorrectly, can do more harm than help. Your physical Therapist will be the right person to guide you through these exercises. Oncce mastered you can perform them on your own.

1. Plank
Benefits: The plank can help strengthen your abdominal muscles, glutes, shoulders, and upper back.
1. Lie facedown on a comfortable surface like a yoga mat.
2. Push yourself up onto your toes and palms, with your body in a straight line from your head to your ankles. If this is too intense, try starting with a low plank: Lift up just onto your forearms instead of straightening your arms all the way.
3. Keep your abdominals and glutes braced as you hold this position.
4. Hold for at least 30 seconds. Increase the time as you get stronger.

2. Glute bridge
Benefits: This exercise can help strengthen your core muscles and glutes.
1. Method: Start by lying on your back, with your knees bent at 90 degrees and your arms flat against the ground by your sides. Turn your feet out slightly.
2. Push into the ground with your feet and lift your hips by squeezing your glutes, until there’s a straight line from your knees to your shoulders.
3. Pause for a couple of seconds, then return to the starting position.
4. Do one to two sets of 15 reps to start. Try to work up to three sets as you build your core strength.

3. Resistance band pull apart
Benefits: This exercise helps strengthen the muscles in your upper back and shoulders.
1. Method: Stand while holding a resistance band tightly between your hands. Raise your hands in front of you so that they’re shoulder-width apart and parallel with the ground.
2. Pull the band apart while squeezing your shoulders together, until your arms are stretched out by your sides.
3. Pause for a moment, then return to the start position
4. Do one to two sets of 15 reps to start. Try to work up to three sets as you build your upper body strength.

4. Child’s pose
Benefits: Use this yoga stretch to help relax your whole body, in particular your lower back.
1. Kneel down on the ground with your butt resting on your heels.
2. Reach forward with your arms and place your hands on the ground.
3. Relax into the stretch and try to rest your forehead on the ground.
5. Reverse crunch
Benefits: to strengthen the abdominals and Gluteal
1. Lie on your back on the floor in a crunch position.
2. Hold a kettlebell or heavy object behind your head.
3. Slowly roll your hips off of the mat, pressing your lower back down into the ground and squeezing your abs.

Single-Leg Bridge
The single leg hip bridge variation targets one glute at a time, minimizing contribution of the lower back muscles. If the lower back muscles are too active in the movement they can take over for the glutes.
1. Lie on your back with your feet planted.
2. Grab one knee and pull it into your chest.
3. Press down with your other foot and raise your hips off of the ground as high as you can.
Breathing Exercise for Swayback Posture
The all-4's breathing exercise will help you realign your diaphragm to help you breathe better. This is similar to the Cat pose in yoga.
1. Start on the ground on your hands and knees.
2. Round your back and blow out through forcefully through your mouth.
3. Keep your back rounded and breathe in through your nose.
4. Exhale and inhale several more times.
Make sure you get in touch with your Physical Therapist anytime you have a query about the exercises you have learnt.
At Valley Healing Hands, Brownsville, Texas, We provide the best Physical Therapy treatment for sway back posture and other posture related difficulties. We will be more than happy to assist you. Our patients are totally satisfied with us. Learn about what they have to tell us here and get connected to us here.
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