Performance of an activity can be done in different ways. But this can be affected by many factors like any injury or pain or any restrictions or impairments. These may affect the way one moves and lead to poor execution of movement patterns and repeated stress upon particular areas of our body. This can result in a cycle of pain and injury.
Central nervous system mediated motor control is vital to both production and control of movement. It has been suggested that a change may occur following injury, which could be explained as a change in motor control. Poor quality of movement can compromise with normal movement patterns or can lead to injury.
Injury results when body tissue is unable to cope with the applied stresses, whether acute or chronic. Emphasis on injury prevention is increasing in sport to reduce the health and economic impact of injury and maximize performance.(1)
Pre-season screening is well established within the sporting arena, and aims to enhance performance and reduce injury risk. These include measuring joint mobility, muscle extensibility, endurance and strength, as well as fitness tests and physiological testing. They play a role in providing benchmarks for rescreening reference during the season and post injury, and provide some indication of limitations that need addressing but many do not predict injury.(1)
Various strategies have been employed to reduce both extrinsic causes of injury (e.g. unavoidable direct contact trauma) and intrinsic causes of injury (e.g. non-contact injury related to overuse, or poor movement technique, efficiency or control), but consistent predictors of injury are still lacking.(1)
Lately, the focus has moved towards optimizing the control of movement. Quality (control) of movement is considered as an important element of assessment of movement efficiency as well as range.(1)
It has become an important part of assessing and rehabilitating injury. This new perspective in screening has been used to develop a tool known as The Performance Matrix (TPM).
The tool employs generic multiple joint tasks that are functionally relevant, but not necessarily habitual, and have been modified to test the cognitive control of movement(1).
It was first described in the literature in 2008 (Mottram & Comerford)(2)
The Performance Matrix is the generic name for the entire group of screening tests developed by Movement Performance Solutions. The Foundation Matrix forms part of the Performance Matrix movement screening system. The Foundation Matrix, is the most commonly used screening tool in the database, and is the entry level screen, which is designed to identify performance related inefficient control of movement in the kinetic chain.(1)
TPM blends biomechanics and neuroscience research for the best current practice
The success of the system lies not only with its technology but also with the specificity in which it finds and helps address movement related deficits in performance or pain/recurrence. Additionally, each test and the testing battery as a whole is sensitive to the concept of ‘regional interdependence’ (Sueki et al., 2013). Regional interdependence considers how, ‘seemingly unrelated impairments in remote anatomical regions of the body may contribute to, and be associated with, a client’s primary issue.(2)
Watch out this space to know more about Regional interdependence.
It allows our movement specialists to identify weak links in your movement systems by performing a series of functional tests.(3)
TPM Screen when used as a mode of assessment, is a great source of help to analyze where improvements are required for our patients. Based on this, we customize our exercise regime to reach the goal.
TPM’s multi-joint testing protocol supplies a clinical tool to support clinicians in multi-joint clinical reasoning process
It helps in building strength, improve flexibility, and improve coordination of movement.3)
It improves the quality of movement.
The TPM approach is focused on the assessment of movement and the use of movement as an intervention.
To identify areas for improvement in athletic and movement performance
To identify limitations in movement and provide solutions for resolution.
To identify causes of repetitive injury and provide methods of recovery
To reduce the affects and chances of repetitive injury.
The Sequence:
The screen We will analyze your movement with our expertise and technology. This is done by carrying out a series of functional tests to find “weak links” and inefficient movement patterns which will guide our retraining plans and strategies.
The evaluation Your movement specialist will then evaluate your results from your TPM screen with you, relating these results back to your previous injury or performance history and your goals. An individualized training program targeting areas that need work will be devised in conjunction with yourself.
Re-training To correct these movement impairments, re-training is essential.. You need to work on your body to change it! Exercises need to be carried out correctly, and consistently, progressed or changed to be made more challenging at the right times to enable your body to adapt and improve. Re-training in the right way will transform how you move and thus reach the goal effectively.
Re-Screening After completing your re-training, a re-screen will be necessary to track your improvement, see how you have progressed and what areas still require work. This enables us to guide you, and target the right areas for you moving forwards. We will provide you with ongoing training advice (new updated programs) and support helping you move forwards in the right direction helping you achieve your goals.(2)
Movement screens have been suggested as an appropriate tool to identify ‘uncontrolled movement’ within the human neuromusculoskeletal system. (4)
Movement is altered in the presence of pain. Each individual muscle coordination strategy would affect the musculoskeletal system in a specific way and their identification might provide insight into mechanisms underlying the development of painful musculoskeletal disorders.(5)
At Valley Healing Hands, we provide the best Physical Therapy treatment for all sports and non sports related injuries. We provide an atmosphere with a one on one ratio for the best quality of care needed for maximum outcomes and return to play and daily routine. Our physical therapist are highly qualified and will plan an individualized treatment routine, customized to your specific needs. Our therapist will be right one to explain to you how TPM can benefit you. Our patients are highly satisfied with our services. You can learn about what they have to say about us here and get connected to us here. Our patients love us and you too will! We can get you back in the game!!!
McNeill, W. (2014). The double knee swing test–a practical example of the performance matrix movement screen. Journal of bodywork and movement therapies, 18(3), 477-481
Muscle Coordination and the Development of Musculoskeletal Disorders François Hug and Kylie Tucker Exerc. Sport Sci. Rev., Vol. 45, No. 4, pp. 201–208, 2017.